Friday, December 31, 2010
"They say to free your body... you have to free your mind... so come on... check this out... "
Pray diligently! Work hard! Enjoy your surroundings. Smile. Stay focused. It will come in due time!
I believe that being successful means having a balance of success stories across the many areas of your life. You can't truly be considered successful in your business life if your home life is in shambles. - Zig Ziglar
If you don't risk anything you risk even more.
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up your present!
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell
Goodbye 2010!
Goodbye 2010!
Good bye, 2010!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Like an ability or a muscle, hearing your inner wisdom is strengthened by doing it. - Robbie Gass
Wisdom is what's left after we've run out of personal opinions. - Cullen Hightower
The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves, but wiser people so full of doubts. - Bertrand Russell
You desire to know the art of living, my friend? It is contained in one phrase: make use of suffering. - Henri-Frédéric Amiel
Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it. - Helen Keller
Pain is inevitable; suffering is optional.
Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler. - Albert Einstein
Check out my profile on Naymz!
Follow me on Twitter!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Everything will be OK in the end. If it's not OK, it's not the end! :-)
One of the advantages of being disorderly is that one is constantly making exciting discoveries. - A. A. Milne "Two pistol thumbs up!" - Gary Dean Masters
I have taken more out of alcohol than alcohol has taken out of me. - Winston Churchill
The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking. - A. A. Milne "Two pistol thumbs up." - Gary Dean Masters
Originality is the fine art of remembering what you hear but forgetting where you heard it. - Laurence J. Peter
Happiness is not achieved by the conscious pursuit of happiness; it is generally the by-product of other activities. - Aldous Huxley
I updated my blog, take a look! Thank you!
Gary Dean Masters
"Nothing is permanent; change is not permanent!"

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"... I don't want my pain taken away, I need my pain! ... "
"We've become a nation of wusses. The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything. If this was China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game?" - Ed Rendell, Governor of Pennsylvania
Make peace with your past so it won't screw up your present! (borrowed and shared)
We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us. - Marcel Proust
Character is the basis of happiness and happiness the sanction of character. - George Santayana
The wisest mind has something yet to learn. - George Santayana
Sanity is a madness put to good use. - George Santayana
There's no point in being grown up if you can't be childish sometimes. - Doctor Who
Fanaticism consists in redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim. - George Santayana

Monday, December 27, 2010

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. - Joseph Campbell
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. - John F. Kennedy (1917 - 1963), speech prepared for delivery in Dallas the day of his assassination, November 22, 1963
Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. - Peter Drucker
So much of what we call management consists in making it difficult for people to work. - Peter Drucker
We now accept the fact that learning is a lifelong process of keeping abreast of change. And the most pressing task is to teach people how to learn. - Peter Drucker
Photographers do this for a living, every single day -- they point their lenses toward every single corner of our world and somehow make the mundane mesmerizing through their artistic eye. It's all a matter of being aware of your surroundings and realizing that there are some really amazing and interesting things to look at, even if it may just be something so simple as a wall being covered up by paint. - Ward Jenkins
Misquotations are the only quotations that are never misquoted. - Hesketh Pearson

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The best index to a person's character is
(a) how he treats people who can't do him any good, and
(b) how he treats people who can't fight back. - Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abbey)
A bad habit never disappears miraculously; it's an undo-it-yourself project. - Abigail Van Buren (Dear Abbey)
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. - Edwin Schlossberg
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. - Edwin Schlossberg

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Dallas Cowboys and the Arizona Cardinals on the NFL Network! :-)
"Bowmen bend their bows when they wish to shoot: unbrace them when the shooting is over. Were they kept always strung they would break and fail the archer in time of need. So it is with men. If they give themselves constantly to serious work, and never indulge awhile in pastime or sport, they lose their senses and become mad." - Herodotus

Friday, December 24, 2010
The greatest gifts you can give for Christmas are... a kiss, a hug, forgiveness, an apology, friendship, love, or all of the above!
Merry Christmas!
Dear Santa, I don't want much for Christmas. I just want the person(s) reading this to be happy and healthy. Friends are the fruitcake of life. Some are nutty. Some are soaked in alcohol. What's this? Some are sweet. However, mix them all together and they are my friends; for which I am thankful!
Merry Christmas!
Updated * Updated * Updated * Urgent Message: If you are shopping for Christmas gifts, on the 24th... What the heck are you thinking? You are crazy! Proceed with caution! Start earlier next year! - I've gotta run, I need to do some last minute Christmas shopping!
"Be COOL, Be LOOSE!" - G. D. Masters

Thursday, December 23, 2010

A hug is a great gift... one size fits all!
It can be given for any occasion and it's easy to exchange. :-)
Love the people who treat you right, pray for the ones that don't!
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.
All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence; then success is sure. - Mark Twain
The man who has confidence in himself gains the confidence of others. - Hasidic saying
Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings. - Samuel Johnson
Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance. - Samuel Johnson
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind. - Samuael Johnson
Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance. - Samuel Johnson
Curiosity is one of the permanent and certain characteristics of a vigorous mind. - Samuael Johnson
Updated Updated Urgent Message: If you are still shopping for Christmas gifts, What the heck are you thinking? You will encounter people that are crazy and have serious attitudes. Proceed with caution! Oh, and start earlier next year!
"Be COOL, Be LOOSE!" - G. D. Masters

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Follow me on Twitter!
Insist on yourself; never imitate... Every great man is unique. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
All our progress is an unfolding, like a vegetable bud. You have first an instinct, then an opinion, then a knowledge as the plant has root, bud, and fruit. Trust the instinct to the end, though you can render no reason. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Updated Urgent Message: If you are still shopping for Christmas gifts, you will encounter people that are hurried, rushed and have attitudes. Please realize this is a high probability. Proceed with caution!
Remember, "Be COOL, Be LOOSE!" - G. D. Masters

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

"Soul meets soul on lovers' lips." - Percy Bysshe Shelly
Life is too short to wake up with regrets... So love the people who treat you right; Forget about the
ones who don't.
Believe everything happens for a reason.
If you get a second chance, grab it with both hands! If it changes your life, let it.
Nobody said life would be easy, they just promised it would be worth it.
"... there is a time and a season for everything. It may be a time of new beginnings, a time of growth, a time of reaping the harvest of hard work, or a time to rest. Trust this beautiful order. Everything in its time."
"Nature, time and patience are three great physicians." - H.G. Bohn
Please follow my blog! Thank you!
Gary Dean Masters
"Yesterday's the past and tomorrow's the future. Today is a Gift - which is why they call it the PRESENT." - Bill Keane
What some people mistake for the high cost of living is really the cost of high living. - Doug Larson
The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it. - Doug Larson
Instead of giving a politician the keys to the city, it might be better to change the locks. - Doug Larson
The aging process has you firmly in its grasp if you never get the urge to throw a snowball. - Doug Larson
Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties. - Doug Larson
Urgent Message: If you are still Christmas shopping, be prepared, there will be crowds, people will be hurried, rushed, and you may encounter some attitudes! - If you waited this long, just know this is what you will probably run into. Most importantly, "Be COOL, Be LOOSE!" - G. D. Masters
"Gary, you're the Dale Carnegie for our generation." - "We look to you for our daily inspiration." - Lola Bennett Windisch
"Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; He is the Messiah, the Lord. This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2: 10-12

Monday, December 20, 2010

"A very small degree of hope is sufficient to cause the birth of love." - Stendhal
As we begin the last two fast paced weeks of 201o... read and remember The Wooden Bowl.

I think you will remember the tale of the Wooden Bowl tomorrow, a week from now, a month from now, and a year from now!

A frail old man went to live with his son, daughter-in-law, and four-year-old grandson. The old man's hands trembled, his eyesight was blurred, and his step faltered.

The family ate together at the table. But the elderly grandfather's shaky hands and failing sight made eating difficult. Peas rolled off his spoon onto the floor. When he grasped the glass, milk spilled on the tablecloth.

The son and daughter-in-law became irritated with the mess. 'We must do something about father,' said the son. 'I've had enough of his spilled milk, noisy eating, and food on the floor.'

So the husband and wife set a small table in the corner. There, Grandfather ate alone while the rest of the family enjoyed dinner.
Since Grandfather had broken a dish or two, his food was served in a wooden bowl.

When the family glanced in Grandfather's direction, sometimes he had a tear in his eye as he sat alone. Still, the only words the couple had for him were sharp admonitions when he dropped a fork or spilled food.

The four-year-old watched it all in silence.

One evening before supper, the father noticed his son playing with wood scraps on the floor. He asked the child sweetly, 'What are you making?' Just as sweetly, the boy responded, 'Oh, I am making a little bowl for you and Mama to eat your food in when I grow up.' The four-year-old smiled and went back to work.

The words so struck the parents that they were speechless. Then tears started to stream down their cheeks. Though no word was spoken, both knew what must be done.

That evening the husband took Grandfather's hand and gently led him back to the family table. For the remainder of his days he ate every meal with the family. And for some reason, neither husband nor wife seemed to care any longer when a fork was dropped, milk spilled, or the tablecloth soiled.

On a positive note, no matter what happens, how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow!

You can tell a lot about a person by the way they handle four things:
a rainy day, the elderly, lost luggage, and tangled Christmas tree lights.

Making a 'living' is not the same thing as making a 'life...' and life sometimes gives you a second chance.

Maybe we shouldn't go through life with a catcher's mitt on both hands because we need to be able to throw something back sometimes.

If you pursue happiness, it may elude you, but, if you focus on your family, your friends, the needs of others, your work and doing the very best you can, happiness will find you.

Whenever you decide something with an open heart, you will usually make the right decision. And even when you have pains, you don't have to be one.

Every day, you should try to reach out and touch someone. People love that human touch -- holding hands, a warm hug, or just a friendly pat on the back.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
God bless you!
We interrupt your happiness and positivity to bring you Monday morning... your regularly scheduled happiness and positivity will return on Friday.
If you lack the courage to start, you have already finished.
The pursuit of happiness is the chase of a lifetime!
One thing you can't recycle is wasted time.
"Ideas won't work unless 'You' do."
It is never too late to become what you might have been.
Only actions give life strength; only moderation gives it a charm. - Jean Paul Richter
Never part without loving words to think of during your absence. It may be that you will not meet again in life. - Jean Paul Richter
"Reading the scripture
Straight from the gospel
Never understanding what they say

I didn't see you fallin'
I never heard you' callin'
I've got my eyes wide open
but haven't learned to see

Yeah... "
"This is as true in everyday life as it is in battle: we are
given one life and the decision is ours whether to wait for
circumstances to make up our mind, or whether to act, and in
acting, to live."- Omar Bradley
A timid person is frightened before a danger, a coward during the time, and a courageous person afterward. - Jean Paul Richter
Divide and rule, a sound motto. Unite and lead, a better one. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
"Gary, you're the Dale Carnegie for our generation. - We look to you for our daily inspiration." Mrs. L. B. Windisch
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"and what you're going through; 'cause the last time i saw you we were playing with fire, we were loaded with passion and a burning desire "
"I've always been one to walk in where Angels fear to tread!" - Gary Dean Masters
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am looking for some comments and some followers on my Blog. Please help me out? Thanks! - Gary Dean Masters
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am look for some comments and some followers on my Blog. Please help me out? Thanks! - Gary Dean Masters
"I've always been one to walk in where Angela fear to tread!" - Gary Dean Masters

Life's Lesson's: "Gary, you're the Dale Carnegie for our generation...

Life's Lesson's: "Gary, you're the Dale Carnegie for our generation...: "'Gary, you're the Dale Carnegie for our generation. - We look to you for our daily inspiration. Merry Christmas and may the New Year be fill..."
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am looking for some for some comments and some followers to my blog. Will you help me please? Thank you!-G. D. Masters
"It is well to give when asked, but it is better to give
unasked." - Kahil Gibran
Ladies and Gentlemen, give thanks! Today is a day the Lord has made! Smile! He is the reason for the season! Best wishes for a peaceful Sunday! :-)
Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail. - Ralph Waldo Emerson (This thought brings a smile to my heart and excitement to my soul! - Wait, ... this thought brings a smile to my soul and excitement to my heart! - This thought get's me Fired UP!)
Give all to love; obey thy heart. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
He has not learned the lesson of life who does not every day surmount a fear. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Just because we've been dealt a certain hand, it doesn't mean that we can't choose to rise above - to conquer the boundaries of a destiny that none of us wanted. To try to retain whatever essential humanity we can. - Stephanie Meyer
What are you looking for???
Go for it with all you've got!
Give what you have to give; do what you have to do in order to be where you want to be!
Give thanks and enjoy the Happiness that have come from the fruits of your labor!
Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air… - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Hold no man responsible for what he says in his grief. - The Talmud
The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. - Helen Rowland
Live well. It is the greatest revenge. - The Talmud
"Gary, you're the Dale Carnegie for our generation. - We look to you for our daily inspiration. Merry Christmas and may the New Year be filled with wonder." - L. B. Windisch

Friday, December 17, 2010

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart."
Style is knowing who you are, what you want to say and not giving a damn. - Gore Vidal
La vida es corta, Rompe las reglas, Perdona rápido,
Besa despacio, Ama de verdad, Rie sin control,
Y nunca sientas remordimiento por algo que te hizo sonreir.
There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all the pointless drama and the people who create it and surround yourself with people who make you laugh so hard that you forget the bad and focus soley on the good. After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. :-)
It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more "manhood" to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. - "Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind."
All I can say about life is, Oh God, enjoy it! - Bob Newhart
Incompetents invariably make trouble for people other than themselves. - Larry McMurtry (1936 - ), 'Lonesome Dove'
Great ability develops and reveals itself increasingly with every new assignment. - Baltasar Gracian
Every great advance in natural knowledge has involved the absolute rejection of authority. - Thomas H. Huxley
Make up your mind to act decidedly and take the consequences. No good is ever done in this world by hesitation. - Thomas H. Huxley
There is joy in work. There is no happiness except in the realization that we have accomplished something. - Henry Ford

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination. - Oscar Wilde
"All you really need is love, but a little chocolate now and
then doesn't hurt." - Lucy Van Pelt
It's Thursday! If you're reading this, give thanks! - "It's not always easy; Be COOL, Be LOOSE!" - G. D. Masters
You may not always end up where you thought you'd be, but you will always end up where you're meant to be.....
You may not always end up where you thought you'd be, but you will always end up where you're meant to be...
The art of life lies in a constant readjustment to our surroundings. - Okakura Kakuzo
The hardest thing to learn in life is which bridge to cross and which to burn. - David Russell
We cross our bridges when we come to them and burn them behind us, with nothing to show for our progress except a memory of the smell of smoke, and a presumption that once our eyes watered. - Tom Stoppard
Nothing is more difficult than the art of maneuvering for advantageous positions. - Sun-Tzu
He that can't endure the bad, will not live to see the good. - Jewish Proverb

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly! :-)
Pray diligently! Work hard! Enjoy your surroundings. Smile! Stay focused. It will come in due time! His time!
"What delights us in visible beauty is the invisible." - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach
"What delights us in visible beauty is the invisible." - Marie vin Ebner-Eschenbach
Post it and Pass it on!
Check out my blog spot!
Sometimes in life ... " a person comes into your life and leaves an imprint on you that you will remember forever. You may never know exactly why they came into your life; however you are appreciative and thankful! That imprint, is a peace that God has given you! That peace is a new part of you that ignites you! Drives you to move forward without fear! Moves you to go on, to go out, to go up, ... "
We must overcome the idea that we should be "normal", it robs you of the opportunity to become "extraordinary" and only allows you to be "average".

He attacked everything in life with a mix of extraordinary genius and naive incompetence, and it was often difficult to tell which was which. - Douglas Adams
He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it. - Douglas Adams, "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws. - Douglas Adams
I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. - Douglas Adams
Many a man who falls in love with a dimple make the mistake of marrying the whole girl. - Evan Esar
Nothing succeeds like the appearance of success. - Christopher Lasch

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Please check out my blog!
Thank you!
Life is to short to blend in! :-)
Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans. - John Lennon
The purpose of life is to fight maturity. - Dick Werthimer
The first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want. - Ben Stein
Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious. - Brendan Gill
You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act. - Barbara Hall
Words ought to be a little wild for they are the assaults of thought on the unthinking. - John Maynard Keynes
Remember that as a teenager you are at the last stage of your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you. - Fran Lebowitz

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Christmas wish - May you never forget what is worth remembering or remember what is best forgotten... Borrowed and shared from Elizabeth.
"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart." - Jane Austen
To love is to risk not being loved in return. To hope is to risk pain. To try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken because the greatest hazard in life is to risk nothing.
Never lose hope.
It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow. - Robert H. Goddard
Hope begins in the dark, the stubborn hope that if you just show up and try to do the right thing, the dawn will come. You wait and watch and work: You don't give up. - Anne Lamott
We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be. - Jane Austen
The best way to escape from a problem is to solve it. - Alan Saporta
Good people are good because they've come to wisdom through failure. - William Saroyan
Where there is love there is life. - Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Take a look at my blog!
Thank you!
Take a deep breath... take a look around... Feel what you see... Give thanks! Best wishes for a blessed and beautiful Sunday! - G. D. Masters
Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. - Carl Sandburg
If time flies when you're having fun, it hits the afterburners when you don't think you're having enough. - Jef Mallett
Happiness is always a by-product. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness. - Robertson Davies
Someday everything will all make perfect sence. So for now, laugh at the confusion, smile through the tears and keep reminding yourself, everything happens for a reason.
Forgiveness and love cannot be earned, deserved, bought, sold, won or forced. They are a gift and should never be taken for granted or expected; only accepted.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"The saddest love is to love someone, know that they want you, but that circumstances won't let you be together." - I saw this earlier in the week, wrote it down and saved it for today. G. D. Masters
One must know oneself, if this does not serve to discover truth, it at least serves as a rule of life and there is nothing better. - Blaise Pascal
Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves. - Blaise Pascal
It is the excitement of becoming - always becoming, trying, probing, falling, resting, and trying again- but always trying and always gaining... - Lyndon B. Johnson
We can draw lessons from the past, but we cannot live in it. - Lyndon B. Johnson
Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or to lose. - Lyndon B. Johnson
If you are not criticized, you may not be doing much. - Donald H. Rumsfeld

Friday, December 10, 2010
"Giving up I the ultimate tragedy." - "Push through and never give up in anything you do!"
Sometimes in life... You may wonder what your purpose in life is? You may wonder why you are trying to accomplish something that seems impossible? - There are infinite reasons why you need to prove yourself and make things happen! Those reasons may never be apparent...
Fight the Good Fight of Faith and Go Forward!!!
You need only the courage to follow your heart.
I'm a fighter, I'm a poet
I'm a preacher
I've been to school and
Baby, I've been the teacher
If you show me how to get
Up off the ground
I can show you
How to fly and never
Ever come back down
Life is a risk. - Diane Von Furstenberg
If you don't risk anything you risk even more. - Erica Jong
If you're never scared or embarrassed or hurt, it means you never take any chances. - Julia Sorel
It seems to me that people have vast potential. Most people can do extraordinary things if they have the confidence or take the risks. Yet most people don't. They sit in front of the telly and treat life as if it goes on forever. - Philip Adams
Our lives improve only when we take chances - and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves. - Walter Anderson
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naïve or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman. - Anais Nin (This one is heavy-duty!)
Anxiety is love's greatest killer. It makes others feel as you might when a drowning man holds on to you. You want to save him, but you know he will strangle you with his panic. - Anais Nin
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage. - Anais Nin
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. - Anais Nin
Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit. - W. Somerset Maugham
We don't see things as they are, we see things as we are. - Anais Nin
Excess on occasion is exhilarating. It prevents moderation from acquiring the deadening effect of a habit. - W. Somerset Maugham

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Are you LinkedIn?
"If you wait to do everything until you're sure it's right,
you'll probably never do much of anything." - Win Borden
Success in business requires training and discipline and hard work. But if you're not frightened by these things, the opportunities are just as great today as they ever were. - David Rockefeller
Real success is finding your lifework in the work that you love. - David McCullough
To freely bloom - that is my definition of success. - Gerry Spence
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. - Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)
To freely bloom - that is my definition of success. - Gerry Spence
Men are born to succeed, not fail. - Henry David Thoreau (1817 - 1862)
Love: A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. - Ambrose Bierce
I could prove God statistically. - George Gallup

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

I am realizing that the more things change in My Life, the better My Life is becoming! Change Is sometimes scary and it's not always convenient. I am starting to understand that the more we Embrace It, the More Freedom we will have to Create Our Own Beautiful Destiny!!!
I am realizing that the more things change in My Life, the better My Life ss becoming! Change Is sometimes scary and it's not always convenient. I am starting to understand that the more we Embrace It, the More Freedom we will have to Create Our Own Beautiful Destiny!!!
Everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. - Thomas A. Edison
Hell, there are no rules here - we're trying to accomplish something. - Thomas A. Edison
If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves. - Thomas A. Edison
Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. - Thomas A. Edison
Results! Why, man, I have gotten a lot of results. I know several thousand things that won't work. - Thomas A. Edison
When we die, no one remembers us for what we weighed. Our weight isn't etched into our headstones. - Stephanie Klein
When someone does something good, applaud! You will make two people happy. - Samuel Goldwyn
I had a monumental idea this morning, but I didn't like it. - Samuel Goldwyn
You've got to take the bitter with the sour. - Samuel Goldwyn

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It's Tuesday, and I'm going to tear it up!
You only live once....LETS DO THIS!!! :-)
A minute's success pays the failure of years. - Robert Browning
Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must set yourself on fire. - Reggie Leach
Why be a man when you can be a success? - Bertolt Brecht
What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.
I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody. - Bill Cosby
Men are born to succeed, not fail. - Henry David Thoreau
It's a funny thing about life; if you refuse to accept anything but the best, you very often get it. - W. Somerset Maugham
But be, as you have been, my happiness... - Randall Jarrell
The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress, and grows brave by reflection. - Thomas Paine

Monday, December 6, 2010

You cannot create experience. You must undergo it.
Big day! Big week! Good morning! - The world is out there... you ready? Let's do THIS! - Make it a great day! God bless you! :-)
God gave us memory so that we might have roses in December. - James M. Barrie
Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others cannot keep it from themselves. - James M. Barrie
We are all of us failures, at least, the best of us are. - James M. Barrie
The secret of happiness in not in what one likes to do, but in what one has to do. - James M. Barrie
The most useless are those who never change through the years. - James M. Barrie
Dreams do come true, if we only wish hard enough, You can have anything in life if you will sacrifice everything else for it. - James M. Barrie
Seek ye first the good things of the mind, and the rest will either be supplied or its loss will not be felt. - Sir Francis Bacon

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Good Sunday morning! I love it when the quotes, a song, and the mood that God gave just all come together! Dear Lord, Thank you! I am blessed to see another day! - Best wishes to all for a blessed day! Give thanks! :-)
Perhaps the feelings that we experience when we are in love represent a normal state. Being in love shows a person who he should be. - Anton Chekhov (1860 - 1904)
Sanity calms, but madness is more interesting. - John Russell
Love is an exploding cigar we willingly smoke. - Lynda Barry
Check out my blog!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Life has got a habit of not standing hitched. You got to ride it like you find it. You got to change with it. If a day goes by that don't change some of your old notions for new ones, that is just about like trying to milk a dead cow." - Woody Guthrie
It takes more courage to reveal insecurities than to hide them, more strength to relate to people than to dominate them, more "manhood" to abide by thought-out principles rather than blind reflex. " Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles and an immature mind "
Sometimes in life... "... you have wanted/wished/hoped for something, ... time goes by... and you still have not received that thing. - A new life experience impacts you. You process through your new expereince and incorporate your new thoughts and beleifs.- From nowhere... what you have wanted/wished/hoped for starts flowing towards you, ... in greater abundance than you imagined... however, you realize that you know where you are, you know where you should be; ... what you have wanted/wished/hoped for is not what you want or need, not anymore. - The power is in knowing that your new life experience provided you with thoughts that will propell you in the direction you should be going... Dear Lord, I thank you! You allow ...all things to happen for a reason. To You I give thanks and praise!" - G. D. Masters
Destiny is a name often given in retrospect to choices that had dramatic consequences.
What you do, the way you think, makes you beautiful. - Scott Westerfeld
To avoid criticism do nothing, say nothing, be nothing. - Elbert Hubbard
Begin doing what you want to do NOW! We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a Star in our hand, and melting like a snowflake. - Sir Francis Bacon

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why do we have to wait for special moments to say nice things or tell people we care about them? - Randy K. Milholland
Why do we have to wait for special moments to say nice things or tell people we care about them? - Randy K. Milholland
Things aren't magically better if that's what you're hoping for. It's not that simple. - Randy K. Milholland
In the end, we decide if we're remembered for what happened to us or for what we did with it. - Randy K. Milholland
We all have a few failures under our belt. It's what makes us ready for the successes. - Randy K. Milholland
The only time anyone's admitted they were a Christian before was when they were busy telling me why they're better than me. - Randy K. Milholland

Thursday, December 2, 2010

LinkedIn? Check it out!
Look in these eyes and you will see,
things will happen, but only
if they are meant to be!
Many people will miss the chance to fall madly in love with their soulmate because they spend their life mad at the mate who stole love from their soul.
Do not fear to be eccentric in opinion, for every opinion now accepted was once eccentric. - Bertrand Russell
We learn by example and by direct experience because there are real limits to the adequacy of verbal instruction. - Malcolm Gladwell
We improve ourselves by victories over ourself. There must be contests, and you must win. - Edward Gibbon
Friendship is a plant of slow growth and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation. - George Washington
God must become an activity in our consciousness. - Joel S. Goldsmith
A mind troubled by doubt cannot focus on the course to victory. - Arthur Golden
Health food makes me sick. - Calvin Trillin

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

I don't understand this; however I love pressure, tension, stress, deadlines and all the insanity that come with the combination! :-)
I have two distractions and something on my mind... no,
I have two meetings and a distraction on my mind... wait,
I have a bunch of stuff that I've got to make happen and folks counting on me!
Bottom line... Let's get Locked, Cocked and ready ROCK!
I have two distractions and something on my mind... wait,
I have two meetings and a distraction on my mind... wait,
I have a bunch of stuff that I've got to make happen and folks counting on me!
Bottom line... Let's get Locked, Cocked and ready ROCK! Let's do this!
"Happiness does not come from who you are, how you live, or what you have; it comes from how you think, how you feel, and how you respond to each situation in your journey through life."
Attraction, then Friendship, followed by Trust, Romance, Passion and Sex are the Goods and Services that build a strong Economy between two Hearts!
We know truth, not only by reason, but also by the heart. - Blaise Pascal
The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of. - Blaise Pascal
Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves. - Blaise Pascal
To love deeply in one direction makes us more loving in all others. - Anne-Sophie Swetchine
Contrary to general belief, I do not believe that friends are necessarily the people you like best, they are merely the people who got there first. - Peter Ustinov